Committee on Publications

Committee Charges

  • To coordinate all SNMMI publication activities; to continuously monitor the needs of the field and to suggest new publications; to oversee publication of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine and MI Journal.
  • To evaluate the desirability of publications projects presented to the society.
  • To research and respond to publishing trends in the field of nuclear medicine. This can include book topics, book and journal publishers, new medical journals, medical journal practices and article topics, and journal peer-review practices and technologies.
  • To research and respond to trends in the publishing industry. This can include print and electronic publishing technologies, and journal peer-review practices and technologies.
  • To survey and respond to the SNMMI membership and journal readership regarding the society's publications.

Committee Members

  • Todd E. Peterson, PhD, FSNMMI (Board Liaison)
  • Todd E. Peterson, PhD, FSNMMI (Chairperson, Committee on Publica)
  • Johannes Czernin, MD, FSNMMI (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Helen R. Nadel, MD, FRCPC, FSNMMI (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Arnold M. Strashun, MD, FSNMMI (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Carolyn J. Anderson, PhD, FSNMMI (Committee Member)
  • Paige Bennett, MD (Committee Member)
  • Joyita Dutta, PhD (Committee Member)
  • Michael M. Graham, PhD, MD, FACR,FSNMMI (Committee Member)
  • Hossein Jadvar, MD,PhD,FACNM,FSNMMI (Committee Member)
  • Steven M. Larson, MD, FACNM (Committee Member)
  • Ashwin Singh Parihar, MBBS, MD (Committee Member)
  • Heinrich R. Schelbert, MD, PhD, FSNMMI (Committee Member)
  • Heiko Schoder, MD, MBA, FSNMMI (Committee Member)
  • David M. Schuster, MD (Committee Member)
  • Jessica Williams, CNMT,RT(N),FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Rebecca Maxey (Liaison)