Continuing Education Committee (SNMMI-TS)

Committee Charges from SNMMI-TS Strategic Plan

The Committee will concern itself with all phases of continuing education activities of the Section and make recommendations concerning continuing education for technologists to the President and Executive Board when required.

Current Working Objectives/Goals

The goals and objectives incorporate the following SNMMI Strategic Goals:

Goal B: Enhance Marketing

  • Educate and promote the mission and vision of SNMMI-TS to local chapters and SNMMI-TS
  • Develop educational materials for the general public that outlines the benefits of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular imaging
  • Focus the promotional outreach of the SNMMI-TS by identifying specific organizations that will help to maximize the visibility of the profession
  • Make new forms of marketing opportunities that are frequently utilized by the younger professional

Goal D: Advance Education

  • Increase the number of online/live educational offerings for technologists
  • Collaborate with other imaging/therapy organizations to attend and provide educational programs at Annual Meetings/online/etc. (Reciprocate with SNMMI-TS as well)
  • Advertise and communicate educational offerings of the SNMMI-TS to SNMMI-TS members and non-members
  • Become more involved in SNMMI Clinical Trials Network education for technologists
  • Ensure that educational programs are presenting up-to-date materials
  • Develop online education and CE sessions at the annual meeting for NMAA

Goal G: Improve Resource Management

  • Increase development of revenue-producing programs
  • In conjunction with the NMAA Council, utilize the NMAA and Master’s program students and faculty to produce and vet educational offerings to present at chapter/society meetings.

Committee Charges for 2022-23:

(from the SNMMI Strategic Plan)

Goal 1: Demonstrate quality, value and safety of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging procedures.

  1. Improve the quality of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging test results.
  2. Development of relevant quality measures to demonstrate the value of nuclear medicine procedures in the continuum of patient care.
  3. Implement and educate dose optimizations and safety standards and best practices.
  4. Define areas where collaboration with stakeholders is an essential key to the success of improving quality, value and safety in nuclear medicine procedures.

Goal 2: Will be the leader in guiding, shaping and facilitating the education and professional develop of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging technologists.

  1. Perform annual review and evaluation of entry level curriculum for the need to incorporate new and expanded roles of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.
  2. Enhance opportunities to partner with nuclear medicine and molecular imaging professionals.
  3. Identify alternative career paths for nuclear medicine and molecular imaging professionals.
  4. Create networking opportunities for identified career pathways.

Additional Charges for 2022 and 2023

  1. Help determine topics/develop educational offerings to meet technologists’ needs at entry, mid and advanced level:
    1. Leadership development
    2. Clinical topics/refreshers (using social media posts, online discussions, survey):
      1. Gallbladder EF and stimulation
      2. Instrumentation – Back to basic
      3. EKG Review
    3. Survey membership to determine continuing educational needs.
    4. Basic molecular biology and biochemistry (Remo – webinar/JNMT CE article)
  2. Ensure all CE Committee members are oriented on the review process and are active reviewers for the materials developed by the committee.
  3. Serve as test question item writers for lectures from SNMMI meetings.
  4. Identify topics/authors for the TS quarterly webinars.
  5. Develop and execute online offerings to support certification renewal/new certification.
    1. Online library of educational lectures in PET, CT, NCT, and RS for certification renewal.
  6. Update the VOICE Guidelines per ARRT’s revised standards.
    1. Distribute information to members via JNMT, Uptake and other media platforms for specific changes that will impact CE credit.

Committee Members

  • Maria L. Mackin, MS,CNMT,RT(N),FASNC (Chairperson)
  • Dmitry D. Beyder, MPA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Roberta J. Alvarez, MS, ARRT(N)(MR),CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Ejda Bajric (Committee Member)
  • Courtney Cross, MBA, RT(N)(CT),CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Geoffrey M. Currie, PhD BPharm MMRS CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Mario T. DiDea, MS, RT(N) (Committee Member)
  • Cassandra Y. Dike, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Elizabeth W. Duncan, MSHS, CNMT, RT(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Remo George, PhD (Committee Member)
  • Lucas J. Gross, MS, CNMT, RT(N) (Committee Member)
  • Lisa M. Hazen, BS,CNMT,RT(N),FSNMTS (Committee Member)
  • Eric M. Hertenstein, CNMT, NMTCB(CT), PET (Committee Member)
  • Sara G. Johnson, MBA,CNMT,NCT,FSNMMIT (Committee Member)
  • David Kelkis, CNMT, NMTCB(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Sharon Kanana Muli, Technologist (Committee Member)
  • Leonas A. Nalivaika, CNMT,RT(N),MBA,FSNMT (Committee Member)
  • Justin Saner, CNMT, ARSO, MPA (NM) (Committee Member)
  • Kathy S. Thomas, MHA,CNMT,PET,FSNMTS (Committee Member)
  • Alan W. Vespie, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Madhusudan Vyas, NMT (Committee Member)
  • Caroline Krystek (Liaison)
  • Ann Latham (Liaison)
  • Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE (Liaison)