PET/MR Committee (SNMMI-TS)

Committee Charges for 2021-22

Goal 1. Acquire information, guidance, and statistics on function and practice at active PET/MR facilities:

  1. Survey administered to state TAGS that have a PET/MRI scanner.
    1. In-progress
  2. Collaborate with the State TAGs to ensure all TAGs are knowledgeable about MRI issues within each state and individual state requirements.
  3. Work with industry groups (GE, Siemens, and United) to get a list of facilities with scanners.
    1. In-progress

Goal 2. Create and enhance PET/MRI educational offerings for technologists:

  1. Create an online repository for PET/MRI.
  2. Initiate virtual roadshow to chapters.
  3. SNMMI Annual & Mid-Winter meetings sessions focused on PET/MR.
    1. Past meetings have increased PET/MR content, but mostly for physicians.
  4. Provide 16 credits of enduring material to SNMMI community for ARRT MR eligibility.
  5. Collaborate with the Entry Level Curriculum Task Force on the revision of the curriculum.
  6. Finalize patient education fact sheet.
  7. Four papers have been written & submitted to JNMT. Effort was organized and led by Dr. Geoff Currie with writing support from Peter Kamvosoulis, Jose Leon, and Elad Nevo.

Goal 3. Collaborate and provide outreach to other stakeholders:

  1. Define areas where collaboration with stakeholders is an essential key to the success of improving quality, value, and safety in nuclear medicine procedures.
    1. Collaborate with NM/MR physicians on what & how they want imaged.
  2. Collaborate with PET Center of Excellence and Pediatric Imaging Council to consider focused Pediatric Study utilizing PET/MRI.
  3. Student groups – introduction to PET/MR. Introduce NM students to MRI as a secondary learning pathway.

Committee Members

  • Elad Nevo, MS,RT(MR)(N)(CT)CNMT (Chairperson)
  • Dmitry D. Beyder, MPA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Jonathan Adams, MBA (Committee Member)
  • Ryan Berkey (Committee Member)
  • Amanda Coffey, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Geoffrey M. Currie, PhD BPharm MMRS CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Nicole E. DaSilva, RT(R)(N)(CT)(CNMT) (Committee Member)
  • Lael Gore, MBA,CNMT,PET,RT(MR) (Committee Member)
  • Matthew J. Gregory, BS,CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Peter V. Kamvosoulis, BS,PET,RT[N,CT,MR] (Committee Member)
  • Jose L. Leon, MBA, RT(N)(MR) (Committee Member)
  • Kevin McClure, CNMT, RT (MR) (Committee Member)
  • Nicole Nardecchia MBA, CNMT,PET,RT(CT)(MR) (Committee Member)
  • Christopher Owens, CNMT, PET, RT(R)(CT)(MR)(N) (Committee Member)
  • Tricia L. Peters, BS, CNMT, PET,RT(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Kelli E. Schlarbaum, MBA, CNMT, PET, CT (Committee Member)
  • Kiran K. Solingapuram Sai, PhD (Committee Member)
  • Nicholas B. Vasquez, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Angela Weiler, MHA,CNMT, RT(N), PET (Committee Member)
  • Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE (Liaison)