Publications Committee (SNMMI-TS)

Committee Charges

  • Sustain JNMT's high quality content and support the activities of the JNMT editor for continuous journal development.
  • Preserve and develop the section's active and proactive book program.
  • Lead Uptake's Editorial Board and the continuous high quality of the section's newsletter.
  • Ensure the committee's goals and objectives continuously support the overall TS strategic plan.

Committee Members

  • Jessica Williams, CNMT,RT(N),FSNMMI-TS (Chairperson)
  • Krystle W. Glasgow, CNMT,NMTCB(CT),NMAA, (Vice-Chairperson)
  • Dmitry D. Beyder, MPA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Kathy S. Thomas, MHA,CNMT,PET,FSNMTS (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Jacquelyn Brogley, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Geoffrey M. Currie, PhD BPharm MMRS CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Mary Beth Farrell (Committee Member)
  • Sarah A. Frye, PhD, MBA, CNMT, CCRP (Committee Member)
  • Sarah R. Gibbons, MBA, CNMT, NMTCB(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Sara L. Johnson, EdS, CNMT, RT(N)(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Tommy Lieu, CNMT, RT(N) (Committee Member)
  • Frances L. Neagley, BA, CNMT, FSNMTS (Committee Member)
  • Cybil J. Nielsen, MBA, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Elizabeth C. Romero, RT(N)(CT), FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Rebecca Maxey (Liaison)
  • Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE (Liaison)