SNMMI-TS Finance Committee

Committee Charges 2021-22

Goal: SNMMI-TS has the organizational and financial strength and sustainability to advance and support the profession.

  1. Achieve financial stability.
    a. Create or evaluate new revenue streams.
    b. Re-evaluate existing revenue streams and make changes if necessary.
    c. Evaluate non-revenue programs (determine ROI).
    d. Ensure the SNMMI-TS is paying its “fair” share by means of the Management Fee.
  2. Provide informational financial reports to the Executive Board regarding assets in the SNMMI Capital Fund (the Fund), actual and budgeted revenue and expense, and the overall financial affairs of the SNMMI-TS.
  3. Make recommendations regarding fiscal policy, strategy, expenditures, and better utilization of human resources, including leadership and staff.
  4. Submit the proposed operating budget for the succeeding year to the Executive Board for approval.

Additional Charges for fiscal year 2021-2022:

  1. Review and evaluate the suitableness of budget assumptions included within each budget scenario presented for consideration in the fiscal year 2021 operating budget. Where deemed necessary, recommend adjustments to budget assumptions or scenarios.
  2. Evaluate recommendations from the SNMMI/SNMMI-TS Management Fee Task Force (MFTF).

Other Charges (not specifically outlined in strategic plan):

  • Provide informational financial reports to the Executive Board regarding assets in the SNMMI Capital Fund, actual and budgeted revenue and expense, and the overall financial affairs of the SNMMI-TS.
  • Make recommendations regarding fiscal policy, strategy, and expenditures for the succeeding year.
  • Submit a proposed budget for the following year to the Executive Board for approval.
  • Responsible for monitoring and reporting adherence to the current fiscal year budget.
  • Specific duties of the SNMMI-TS Finance Committee Chair include:
    • Member of the SNMMI-TS Executive Board and Finance Committee, the National Council, and the SNMMI Committee on Finance, as well as the SNMMI Subcommittees on Investment and Audit and has voting privileges on all of the above.
    • Present technologist section budget to the Executive Board.
    • May spend money as authorized within the Finance Committee budget by the President of the Executive Board
    • Report on the financial status of the Technologist Section to the Executive Board and NCOR when appropriate.
    • Quarterly review of SNMMI-TS President's expense reports.

Committee Reports


Committee Minutes


Committee Members

  • Sarah R. Gibbons, MBA, CNMT, NMTCB(CT) (Chairperson)
  • Dmitry D. Beyder, MPA, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Julie Dawn Bolin, MS, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Sarah A. Frye, PhD, MBA, CNMT, CCRP (Committee Member)
  • Kathleen M. Krisak, BS, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Seyed M. Mohammadi, CNMT, RT(N)(CT), PET (Committee Member)
  • Janice D. Van Dolsen, BHS, RT(N), CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Jessica Williams, CNMT,RT(N),FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Virginia Pappas, CAE,FSNMMI(H), FSNMM (Liaison)
  • Vincent A. Pistilli, CPA, CGMA (Liaison)
  • Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE (Liaison)