Scope of Practice Task Force (SNMMI-TS)

Committee Charges 2021-22

  1. Regularly review and maintain the definition of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging technologist.
  2. Review the Scope of Practice and identify updates or changes that need to be made
  3. Review the Clinical Performance Standards and identify updates or changes that need to be made
  4. Serve as the determination body for questions regarding the SNMMI-TS Scope of Practice.
  5. Work with the SNMMI-TS Advocacy Committee on Scope of Practice-related issues.
  6. Apprise the SNMMI-TS Advocacy Committee and Executive Board of issues relating to the Scope of Practice.
  7. Suggest educational offerings to the Continuing Education and Program Committee for the NMT membership to learn about the Clinical Performance Standards.
  8. If the SNMMI-TS Scope of Practice is updated/revised provides new documents/updates should be provided to the various organizational websites and areas as attached here. In addition, newly created documents should reflect the current Scope of Practice.

NMT Scope of Practice and Performance Standards

2020 NMT Scope of Practice and Performance Standards

Committee Members

  • Joseph R. MacLean, MHA, CNMT (Co-Chairperson)
  • Paul M. Searfoss (Co-Chairperson)
  • Dmitry D. Beyder, MPA, CNMT (Ex-Officio Member)
  • Danny A. Basso, MS,CNMT,NCT,FSNMTS (Committee Member)
  • Julie Dawn Bolin, MS, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Nanci A. Burchell, MBA, CNMT, RS(NMTCB) (Committee Member)
  • Courtney Cross, MBA, RT(N)(CT),CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Elizabeth De Alba (Committee Member)
  • Leonard P. English, RT(N),CNMT,RDMS,RVT (Committee Member)
  • Rebecca L. Gallagher, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Sarah R. Gibbons, MBA, CNMT, NMTCB(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Kelley L. Hanf, R.T.(N), CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Sara L. Johnson, EdS, CNMT, RT(N)(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Kathleen M. Krisak, BS, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Hyein Haley Lee (Committee Member)
  • Cindi Luckett-Gilbert, MHA,CNMT,FSNMMITS (Committee Member)
  • Angela Macci-Bires, Ed.D,MPM,RT(N),CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Melissa J. Marshall, CNMT, ARRT(CT), AS (Committee Member)
  • Lyn M. Mehlberg, BS, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS (Committee Member)
  • Togustine L. Nguyen, RT(R)(N)(CT)ARRT, BA (Committee Member)
  • Clay E. Nuquist, BS,CNMT,PET,FSNMMITS (Committee Member)
  • Tricia L. Peters, BS, CNMT, PET,RT(CT) (Committee Member)
  • Melissa J. Rose, CNMT, RT(N) (Committee Member)
  • Daniel Edward Ryan, Daniel Edward Ryan (Committee Member)
  • Richard T. Serino, MEd, CNMT (Committee Member)
  • Jeremy Slicker, CNMT NMTCB(RS) RT(N) (Committee Member)
  • Kiran K. Solingapuram Sai, PhD (Committee Member)
  • Ann M. Voslar, MHA/Ed, RT(N), CNMT (Committee Member)
  • William R. Widener, MBA C.N.M.T. R.T (Committee Member)
  • Joshua Wiley, CNMT, PET (Committee Member)
  • Julia Bellinger, MPP (Liaison)
  • Anna Marie Harrison (Liaison)
  • Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE (Liaison)