Academic Council

The Academic Council is composed of faculty members of nuclear medicine departments, divisions, or sections in accredited medical schools, those in approved nuclear medicine residency programs, or in accredited technologist training programs. However, any individual interested in education is welcome to join.

Mission Statement

The Academic Council is dedicated to the scientific interchange of ideas among SNMMI members who have an interest in training and education of undergraduates and graduates in Nuclear Medicine (which includes general Nuclear Medicine, Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine, PET/CT imaging and Molecular Imaging). The overall mission of the Academic Council is to:

  1. promote medical education, research and patient care related to Nuclear Medicine,
  2. provide to membership expertise in the training and education of undergraduates and graduates in Nuclear Medicine, including in mentoring and leadership,
  3. provide a forum for members for discussion of issues and problems of mutual interest and concern within the Nuclear Medicine community, as well as an informal exchange of ideas and programs,
  4. provide outreach to other professionals and organizations,
  5. nurture new membership into the society,
  6. serve as a resource to Young Professionals in career development, and
  7. serve as a resource to SNM leadership.

Within the Council there is a subgroup of Program Directors/Associate Program Directors of Nuclear Medicine residency programs (the Nuclear Medicine Program Directors Association, NMPDA).

The Academic Council is an advocate for Nuclear Medicine education and training to organized Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, as well as providing an avenue of communication for Program Directors and Coordinators to accrediting bodies, certification boards, other specialty societies, and government agencies.

Join the Council

Council membership is voluntary. Society members are eligible for council membership, and can belong to as many councils as they wish. The Academic Council dues are $15.00.

You can join online or send an email to [email protected]

AC Governance

The Society recognizes the need for sub-specialty interests/expertise within the field of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. Councils provide the expertise, professional networking and educational programs for nuclear medicine professionals in respective areas and serve as a resource for development and implementation of Society policies.

Council membership is voluntary. Councils adhere to Society Bylaws and policies, while operating under its own Operating Procedures, as approved by the House of Delegates, and its own business plan and budget, as approved by the SNMMI Board of Directors.

Academic Council Awards

Academic Council Resources

The AC works to provide the most up-to-date resources and educational offerings to its members. This section provide information on past educational offerings (sponsored by the AC), as well as important updates and areas of interest to the Academic Council.