Advanced Associate Council

Mission Statement

  • Aid those who are interested in developing a Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate program at their facility.
  • Support the practice and policy needs of the NMAA and other areas of technologist advanced practice.
  • Aid with activities associated with nurturing and growing the NMAA, including effecting the necessary culture change to allow this designation to function properly.
  • NMAA Flyer

Join the Council

Council membership is voluntary. Society members are eligible for council membership, and can belong to as many councils as they wish. The Advanced Associate Council dues are $15.00.


The Society recognizes the need for sub-specialty interests/expertise within the field of nuclear medicine and moleuclar imaging. Councils provide the expertise, professional networking and educational programs for nuclear medicine professionals in respective areas and serve as a resource for development and implementatin of Society policies.

Council membership is voluntary. Councils adhere to Society Bylaws and policies, while operating under its own Operating Procedures, as approved by the House of Delegates, and its own business plan and budget, as approved by the SNMMI Board of Directors.