SNMMI-TS Governance

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Technologist Section (SNMMI-TS), as part of SNMMI, is constantly striving to make a difference in the way nuclear medicine technologists receive academic and continuing education as well as information concerning new procedures, technologies and equipment. Research has been a vital part of SNMMI-TS activities for many years, as has monitoring federal regulation and influencing decisions that affect the practice of nuclear medicine.

The Technologist Section of the SNMMI has elevated the importance and value of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging in contributing to successful patient outcomes. Technologists and related professionals are recognized as integral partners within the medical healthcare team. They are prepared as leaders as a result of their membership and involvement in SNMMI’s Technologist Section. The Section provides multidisciplinary educational content offered in a variety of formats and develops educational models to include the expanding and increasingly complex educational content that is necessary for preparing knowledgeable, competent, and qualified professionals. Section leadership provides expert knowledge on legislative and regulatory issues affecting the field. The Section’s standards are viewed as the “benchmarks” for professional practice and are widely utilized by the membership. The Section is known as the place to engage with other nuclear medicine and molecular imaging professionals, at all career stages, to find great value in networking with peers, and to learn from more experienced professionals.

SNMMI-TS Executive Board

The Executive Board is the primary legislative and policy-making component of the SNMMI-TS. The responsibilities of the Executive Board include: determining the goals of the SNMMI-TS, determining SNMMI-TS policy regarding professional issues affecting nuclear medicine, selection and approval of outside representatives, approving the SNMMI-TS budget, and review actions of the SNMMI-TS National Council of Representatives.

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National Council of Representatives (NCOR)

The National Council of Representatives manages the business and financial affairs of the SNMMI-TS in accord with the policies approved by the Executive Board. They also develop and approve procedures of the SNMMI-TS, coordinate and monitor the activities of all organizational components of the SNMMI-TS and identify relevant professional issues for presentation to the Executive Board.

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SNMMI-TS Committees

In addition to traditional committees such as Finance, Nominating, Membership, and Advocacy, the SNMMI Technologist Section also hosts a number of substantive committees, task forces, and working groups addressing specific issues associated with nuclear medicine technology.

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