Dynamic Bladder Software Tool

An interactive, Windows-based computer program has been written in Visual Basic 6.0 which implements the dynamic bladder model described in MIRD Pamphlet No. 14, Revised (Thomas et al. 1999). Users may select from kinetic models for 20 standard pharmaceuticals, as given in the MIRD Pamphlet, or enter their own kinetic data describing whole body urinary elimination, to obtain graphs and tables of bladder wall surface doses for seven different initial bladder volumes (10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 ml), nine different initial void times (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180 min), and three different urine production rates (0.5/0.25 ml/min, 1.0/0.5 ml/min, and 1.5/0.75 ml/min daytime/nighttime).

The output, as in the Pamphlet, allows study of how urinary bladder wall dose changes as a function of the parameters listed above for different radiopharmaceuticals, which is not always intuitively obvious. Data are displayed on the screen, or may be sent to a printer or file (from where they can be imported into other programs for further use or analysis). User-entered models may employ up to four separate components of elimination. Users may also modify the models for the supplied standard radiopharmaceuticals, should there be updates or modifications to the biologic parameters utilized in the Pamphlet.

The purpose of this software is to automate the use of this complex model, provide the results in electronic form, and allow convenient extension of the model to radiopharmaceuticals not considered in the Pamphlet.

Download Instructions

  1. Download DynBlad.zip (1,458 KB)
  2. Unzip the three files to a single location on your computer (anywhere is fine, Desktop is recommended).
  3. Run the file "setup.exe". When it asks you for the installation directory, tell it "C:\DynBlad".
  4. Follow the other installation instructions; choose any options desired.
  5. When setup is complete, run the program "DynBlad.exe" from "C:\DynBlad".

*Disclaimer: The Dynamic Bladder Software is intended for use by the nuclear medicine research community for the purpose of evaluating radiation dose to the urinary bladder wall surface as a function of variable parameters. The software was designed as an educational and research tool providing investigators with the capability to compare the effect of varying protocols on bladder wall dose. It is not intended that the output of this software be used in the clinical management of patients. Through access to the software, the investigator agrees to use this software for educational and research purposes only and agrees to hold the Society of Nuclear Medicine harmless from liability arising from use of this software.