Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dose Tool

Select Nuclear Medicine Exam:

Input Injected Activity:

mCi or MBq

Select Patient Model:

Dosimetry Table:

Recommended Adult Injected Activity:

Minimum mCi MBq
Maximum mCi MBq

Reference for Adult Injected Activity:

Radiation Dose Estimate:

VERSION: 4.10; 23-Apr-2018

DISCLAIMER: Information on this site is for educational purposes only. This site has not been extensively tested on all platforms, under all conditions. As such, users of this tool must verify all results prior to clinical decision making. Use of this tool assumes that users free from any and all liability the SNMMI and associated parties.

ABOUT: This radiation dose tool provides references to recommendeded adult guidelines for protocol selection and injected activity. Broad estimates for effective dose and absorbed dose to the critical organ are provided. These dose estimates are for standard models and should not be considered patient-specific under any circumstance. For more information on the use of effective dose in Nuclear Medicine, please read Appropriate Use of Effective Dose and Organ Dose in Nuclear Medicine.

Site made possible by the SNMMI Dose Optimization Task Force.
Site developed by Adam Alessio, University of Washington, and Michael Stabin, Vanderbilt University, July 2013-2018.
Patient and organ dosimetry provided by Michael Stabin, Vanderbilt University.
Guidelines and injected activity recommendations catalogued by Jennifer Hough, CNMT, University of Washington.

ICRP 128: Based on dosimetry models originally proposed in 1990 using 'stylized' anthropomorphic phantoms developed by Cristy and Eckerman (1987). Effective doses are based on organ weighting factors from ICRP 60. These tables contain a mix of published estimates from ICRP (Publications 53, 80, 106) and dosimetry provided by Michael Stabin.
▸ ICRP, Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP 60. Ann. ICRP 21(1–3), 1990.
▸ ICRP, Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals: a Compendium of Current Information Related to Frequently Used Substances. ICRP 128, 2015.

RADAR 2017: RAdiation Dose Assessment Resource, a committee of SNMMI, generated dose estimates using a set of anthropomorphic phantoms (Stabin et al. 2012), which are based on the recommended body and organ masses given in ICRP Publication 89 (ICRP 2003). The effective dose estimates use organ weighting factors from ICRP 103. These tables currently contain fetal dose information for a subset of the tracers.
Stabin MG, Siegel JA. RADAR Dose Estimate Report: A Compendium of Radiopharmaceutical Dose Estimates Based on OLINDA/EXM Version 2.0. J Nucl Med. 2018;59(1):154-160.
Stabin M. New Generation Fetal Dose Estimates for Radiopharmaceuticals. J Nucl Med. December 2017.
▸ ICRP, The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 103. Ann. ICRP 37(2/3), 2007.
▸ The Adult and pediatric compendia are available at

Copyright © 2013, 2018, Adam Alessio, All rights reserved.