NOTE: All values listed are consistent with the 2014 harmonized
guidelines and 2016 Updates (see references below).
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site is for educational purposes only. This site has not been extensively
tested on all platforms, under all conditions. As such, users of this tool must verify all results prior
to clinical decision making. Use of this tool assumes that users free from any and all liability the
SNMMI and associated parties.
ABOUT: This tool provides recommended injected activity for pediatric patients based on the North
American consensus guidelines and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine guidelines. This
information is intended as a guideline only. Local practice may vary depending on patient population,
choice of collimator, and specific requirements of clinical protocols.
Administered activity may be adjusted when appropriate by order of the nuclear medicine practitioner.
For patients who weigh more than 70 kg, it is recommended that maximum administered activity not exceed
product of patient's weight (kg) and recommended weight-based administered activity. Some practitioners
may choose to set fixed maximum administered activity equal to 70 times recommended weight-based
administered linear scale factor, for example, approximately 10 mCi (370 mBq), for 18F body imaging. The
administered activities assume use of a low energy high resolution collimator for Tc-99m
radiopharmaceuticals and a medium energy collimator for I-123-MIBG. Individual practitioners may use
lower administered activities if their equipment or software permits them to do so. Higher administered
activities may be required in certain patients. No recommended dose is given for 67Ga-citrate.
Intravenous 67Ga-citrate should be used infrequently and only in low doses.
Harmonization: Lassmann and Treves, Paediatric radiopharmaceutical administration: harmonization of the
2007 EANM paediatric dosage card (version 1.5.2008) and the 2010 North American consensus guidelines,
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging
March 2014. link
NA Concensus Guidelines: Gelfand, Parisi, and Treves, Pediatric Radiopharmaceutical Administered Doses:
2010 North American Consensus Guidelines, J Nucl Med 2011 52:318-322. link
EANM Ped Dose Card: Lassmann, Biassoni, Monsieurs,Franzius, and Jacobs, The New EANM Paediatric Dosage
Card, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2007
2016 Update: North American Consensus Guidelines for Pediatric Administered Radiopharmaceutical
Site made possible by the SNMMI Dose Optimization Task Force.
Site developed by Adam Alessio, University of
Washington, July 2013.
Copyright © 2013, Adam M Alessio, All rights reserved.