Media Contact:
Rebecca Maxey
[email protected]

Novel Radionuclide Therapy Represents Potential Paradigm Shift in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Reston, VA (September 11, 2024)—A newly developed radionuclide therapy can precisely target and break-up beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease from the brain, representing a potential new treatment option for patients. Published in the September issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, this first-of-its-kind study showed that 213Bi-BPy targeted alpha-therapy could significantly reduce the amount of beta-amyloid plaque concentration in brain tissue.

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. By 2050, the number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to double. Most current treatments for Alzheimer’s disease focus on the symptoms, however, the development of therapies to treat the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease is a growing research area.

“Targeted alpha-therapy has been shown to be effective in treating metastatic cancers as it delivers tumor-localized α-particles to break-up disease-associated covalent bonds,” stated Tara E. Mastren, PhD, assistant professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. “Our hypothesis is that this same delivery system could be used to break up beta-amyloid plaques in the brain.”

In the study, researchers synthesized and radiolabeled 213Bi-BiBPy to act as a targeted delivery system for a radionuclide therapy. They evaluated its binding affinity to beta-amyloid plaques and potential to transport across the blood-brain barrier. In vitro and ex vivo preclinical studies were performed to measure the reduction of beta-amyloid concentration.

213Bi-BiBPy was shown to bind selectively to beta-amyloid plaques with high specific activity. Initial experiments also showed a stark reduction of beta-amyloid plaque when exposed to targeted alpha-therapy, up to 100 percent depending on the dose.

“Our findings are significant as they have the potential to elicit a paradigm shift in the way we treat Alzheimer’s disease,” said Mastren. “We are still in the very early stages of investigation, however if we are successful, we hope such treatments could slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and potentially have a positive impact on cognitive function.”

Visual Abstract. Amyloid beta in brain homogenate (left) treated with alpha particles emitted from [213Bi]-BiBPy (center) to achieve complete reduction of amyloid beta shown via western blot (right)


The authors of “Development of a 213Bi-Labeled Pyridyl Benzofuran for Targeted α-Therapy of Amyloid-β Aggregates” include Aidan A. Bender and Tara E. Mastren, Nuclear Engineering Program, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; Emily K. Kirkeby and Andrew G. Roberts, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; and Donna J. Cross and Satoshi Minoshima, Department of Radiology, University of Utah, School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Please visit the SNMMI Media Center for more information about molecular imaging and precision imaging. To schedule an interview with the researchers, please contact Rebecca Maxey at (703) 652-6772 or [email protected].

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