SNMMI Submits Comments to the Standard Occupational Classification Policy Committee Regarding the Recognition of Nuclear Medicine Technologists as Professionals

On behalf of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), a nonprofit scientific and professional organization representing over 14,000 members worldwide, we urge the OMB to recognize the vital role of Nuclear Medicine Technologists in the evolving landscape of diagnostic and therapeutic precision medicine and, in turn, formally recognize NMT’s as professionals.

Currently categorized under 29-200 Health Technologists and Technicians (specifically 29-2033 – Nuclear Medicine Technologists) in the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification System, Nuclear Medicine Technologists are currently not considered professionals. This categorization does not support the critical roles and responsibilities of Nuclear Medicine Technologists, despite their being entrusted with the safe use of ionizing and nonionizing radiation for molecular imaging, therapies with radiopharmaceuticals, and research purposes. The expertise and the complexity of the work of Nuclear Medicine Technologists clearly align with a professional classification.

Since the 2018 SOC System was approved and published, the field of nuclear medicine and theranostics (the use of radioactive materials, called radiopharmaceuticals or radiotracers, to treat disease processes) continues to advance, forcing the role of Nuclear Medicine Technologists to expand and grow tremendously, particularly in areas that require continuing education in both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. These advancements have provided more strategic personalized medicine creating a greater emphasis on patient care as well as radiation safety, reflecting the increased expectations placed on nuclear medicine technologists in today’s healthcare environment. Recognizing Nuclear Medicine Technologists as professionals is essential to align with these higher standards and the critical contributions they make to patient care.