Mitzi & William Blahd, MD, Pilot Research Grant

Applications will open in October 2024. Please click here to apply!


Amount: $25,000

Sponsored by: ERF


  • The pilot research grant is designed to help a basic or clinical scientist in the early stages of their career conduct research that may lead to further funding.
  • This grant may be used for salary support of the principal investigator, as well as direct costs of supplies and equipment.
  • Support is not provided for salaries of other research personnel, or for indirect costs.


  • Basic or clinical scientists with an advanced degree, such as MD, PhD, or equivalent.
  • The research may be done in any country.
  • Awardee must hold a full-time position in an educational institution when the award starts.
  • Applicant must be no more than five years post training (most recent training; training includes residency, MD/PhD training, professional school, graduate school, post doc, or fellowship).
  • Applicant must not have served as the principal investigator of a peer-reviewed grant for more than $50,000 in a single calendar year.
  • Preference will be given to individuals who have demonstrated great potential for a research career in the field of nuclear medicine/molecular imaging and whose research focuses on translational in vivo studies that include radionuclide imaging or therapy.


  • Principal investigator's current curriculum vitae
  • A research abstract and a detailed research proposal not to exceed 10 pages, excluding references.
  • One letter of recommendation from the program director or research supervisor.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professional colleague.
  • Applicant must be a member of SNMMI at the time of award. If you are not a member, please visit: