Robert E. Henkin, MD, Government Relations Fellowship

Applications will open in October 2024. Please click here to apply!


Amount: $1,000 (includes travel reimbursement)

Sponsored by: ERF


It is essential for any highly regulated profession to have leaders who have an understanding—gained first hand—of the challenges that the practice of nuclear medicine faces. In America today, we produce a great number of skilled professionals. But too few of these individuals have experience with or exposure to government affairs. The Robert E. Henkin Fellowship provides early-career professionals in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging direct personal exposure to government relations activities of the SNMMI as well as the state and federal legislative and regulatory process.

The fellow will spend 5 days with the SNMMI Department of Health Policy and Regulatory Affairs (HPRA). Activities include:

  • Selected reading on the Congressional legislative process
  • Education about public policy development
  • Legislative education day spent on Capitol Hill
  • Regulatory education day spent at CMS and FDA
  • Regulatory education day spent at NIH and NRC
  • Focused education and experience in one area of public policy

The fellow will also be appointed to the SNMMI/ ACNM Committee on Government Relations, to serve a term no less than one year. The fellow will participate in conference calls, meetings, and other activities of the committee.

The fellow will be supervised by a HPRA staff member and be assigned a mentor who is a member of the SNMMI's Committee on Government Affairs, or other professional volunteer.

The Fellow receives a $1,000 stipend, in addition to all-expense paid travel to the Washington DC area.


Fellows are expected to return to their occupations more experienced in public policy decision-making and better prepared to contribute to the practice of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. Fellows are expected to apply what they have learned by becoming a health policy leader in their respective communities, and being a resource for SNMMI.

One month after completing the visit, the fellow will:

  • Provide a written summary and analysis of the fellowship experience, including suggestions how the fellowship could be improved
  • Provide a written update on the selected public policy issue of interest specifically stating any new information and what types of activities have been undertaken to demonstrate additional learning on the public policy issue
  • Write an article highlighting the fellowship experience, for an SNMMI publication

Six months after completing the visit, the fellow will:

  • Provide a written update on the public policy issue he/she selected
  • Provide a written update on any public policy activities undertaken
  • Join the SNMMI Grassroots network and become a liaison to state and federal policy makers
  • Write an article highlighting the public policy issue he/she selected, for an SNMMI publication