GCNMC Lifetime Achievement Award

The GCNMC Lifetime Achievement Award is established to recognize those physicians and scientists who have distinguished themselves through a career dedicated to the advancement of patient care through the field of nuclear medicine. These individuals will have provided outstanding contributions to the general nuclear medicine subspecialties including urogenital, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, endocrine and gastrointestinal imaging that have advanced the field to allow improved clinical diagnosis and patient care.

The recipient of this year’s GCNMC Lifetime Achievement Award is Bennett Greenspan, MD, FACNM, FSNMMI.

Congratulations, Dr. Greenspan!


Bennett Greenspan, MD, FACNM, FSNMMI



Past Lifetime Achievement Award
2015: Naomi Alazraki, MD
2016: Leonard Freeman, MD
2017: Stanley Goldsmith, MD
2018: Eva Dubovsky, MD
2019: Christopher Palestro, MD
2020: Ora Israel, Sr., MD, FSNMMI
2021: Harvey Ziessman, MD
2022: Shankar Vallabhajosula, PhD
2023: Alan Maurer, MD, FSNMMI