PIDSC Young Investigator Award

SNMMI symposium and competition, in association with the Computer and Instrumentation Council, for the best scientific abstracts on computer and instrumentation nuclear medicine. The objectives of the award are to identify promising young investigators working in computer and instrumentation nuclear medicine. To be considered, submitting authors must check the designated box (Consider for YI award?) during their online abstract submissions for the SNMMI Annual Meeting.

Only abstracts submitted to categories within the Instrumentation & Data Analysis track will be considered for the ERF PIDSC Young Investigator Award Symposium.

  • All applicants must be currently enrolled or within five (5) years of a completed certified training program.
  • All former first prize winners are ineligible.
  • Abstracts must be submitted to one of the instrumentation & data analysis track.
  • All applicants must choose "Oral" as the Presentation Type.

Monetary prizes are offered for the above award in the following amounts:

  • 1st Prize: $500
  • 2nd Prize: $300
  • 3rd Prize: $200

2024 PIDSC Young Investigator Award Winners

First Place

"Dose-aware diffusion model for 3D low-dose PET denoising: A multi-institutional validation with reader study and real low-dose data."

First author: Huidong Xie

Second Place

"PRESPECT: A method to personalize myocardial perfusion SPECT acquisition protocols to improve performance on defect detection tasks."

First author: Nu Ri Choi

Third Place

"A proposal to shorten the acquisition duration of 177Lu SPECT/CT imaging by using synthetic intermediate projections."

First author: Julian Leube

Honorable Mention

"Image-Derived Input Functions and Ultra-High Performance Brain PET scanners: have we finally made it?"

First Author: Tommaso Volpi

"A Clinical Self-collimating Gamma Camera for nuclear medicine planar imaging with 1-millimeter resolution"

First Author: Xingchun Zheng

"Experimental Evaluation of DE-SPECT: A Hyperspectral SPECT System for in Vivo 3-D Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Multifunctional Molecular Imaging and Theragnostic"

First Author: Yifei Jin

Past PIDSC Young Investigator Award Winners