Ursula Mary-Kocemba Slosky, PhD, Professional Relations Fellowship

Amount: $1,000 (includes travel reimbursement)

Sponsored by: ERF

Born in Poland, Ursula Marianna Kocemba received her PhD in medical microbiology from the Warsaw Medical Academy. She and her husband, Jack Slosky, PhD, emigrated from then- communist Poland in 1974 to conduct postdoctoral work at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Ursula passed away in 2012.

Ursula strongly believed that there are two keys to communication between people, especially in medical communications. First, when one translates words from one language to another, one should strive to include nuanced meanings and information to avoid serious medical errors and deep misunderstandings. Second, one should strive to interpret appropriately by including a context of differences of cultures, levels of education, life experiences, as well as differing needs and expectations. Together, such "cross-interpretation" is key when applied to professional relations.

Dr. Jack Slosky strongly believes that it is important that SNMMI develops new leaders with a comprehensive understanding of both professional and government relations to successfully navigate the increasing complex U.S. and international healthcare environment. Patients will ultimately benefit from effective interpretation (and better understanding) between themselves and their medical providers as well as between medical societies, industry groups, and government agencies. Thus, Dr. Jack Slosky has established this professional relations fellowship in memory of his late wife.


It is essential for professional organizations in a highly regulated and diverse field, such as nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, have leaders who understanding the challenges that the practice of nuclear medicine faces. As SNMMI continues to expand leadership opportunities and embrace an integrate diversity, inclusion, and equity into its organizational values - this will require collaborative and professional leadership, statesmanship and growth.

The professional relations fellowship was created in 2014 to provide emerging professionals direct, personal exposure to professional and public relations activities of the SNMMI as they relate to other medical societies and professional organizations. The fellowship is designed to provide a gifted and highly motivated early-career professional a collaborative experience in intersociety relations. As such, applicants should be an MD, scientist or technologist who has completed his/her training within the last 10 years. Professionals who have been in the field longer than 10 years are not eligible. Please also note that US or Canadian citizenship or “green card” are required.

*NEW in 2023* As it is understood that it may difficult for some to be away from work (and home) for an entire week to participate in the fellowship, the selected recipient and SNMMI Senior Leadership will agree on a schedule that works best AFTER the selection process has completed. (Sample schedules may include: (1) a full week Friday-Sunday; (2) 3-4 days x2 times during the year; (3) 2-3 days x2 times during the year + virtual meetings, etc.

In addition, the fellow will be assigned a mentor who is a member of the SNMMI, SNMMI-TS, ACNM Board of Directors, and/or anyone who is experienced and active in the Societies may be considered as a mentor. The mentor will be designated by the SNMMI upon mutual consent of the mentor and the fellow. It is expected they will speak by phone, with an option of a one-day visit by the mentor to the SNMMI headquarters during the program, as determined by the activities and objectives outlined below.

Noted below are examples of the various meetings and connections that will be made during the Fellowship program.

  • Orientation with Staff and Key SNMMI Leaders – Overview of Fellowship, Organizational Structure, SNMMI Initiatives, Collaboration with Other Organizations
  • Professional Collaboration Meetings - Visits will be director-level meetings where staff from BOTH organizations discuss the following areas: culture, effective communication, collaboration, advocacy and navigating change, issue resolution, working with other professional organizations groups; (ACR, ASNC, CORAR/MITA, ASCO, ACC, AAPM, ASRT, JRCNMT, IAC, etc.)
  • Government Relations and Advocacy Outreach - Congressional visits
  • Patient Advocacy Groups - discuss how these groups are organized, the various opportunities and outreach they afford to patients and their collaboration with the SNMMI patient outreach effort

At the completion of the live portion of the fellowship, the Slosky Fellow will:

  • Be appointed to one or more SNMMI Committees.
  • Invited to attend the SNMMI Future Leaders Academy (if they have not already attended);
  • Identify a project or program that they be interested in working towards over the next year, with the guidance of their mentor (project will need to be agreed on by SNMMI Leadership and Senior Staff and MUST be beneficial to the SNMMI membership);
  • Provide a testimonial regarding their experience which will be used towards future marketing of the Fellowship Program.
  • Agree to promote the Fellowship to other potential applications.