de Hevesy Award Recipients

George Charles de Hevesy Nuclear Pioneer Awardees

The George Charles de Hevesy Nuclear Medicine Pioneer Award is given each year to an individual for outstanding contributions to the field of nuclear medicine. De Hevesy received the 1943 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in determining the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of radioactive compounds in the human body. His work led to the foundation of nuclear medicine as a tool for diagnosis and therapy, and he is considered to be one of the fathers of nuclear medicine. SNMMI has given the de Hevesy Award every year since 1960 to honor groundbreaking discoveries and inventions in the field of nuclear medicine.


Year Recipient Presenter
1960 Ernest O. Lawrence Edward Teller, PhD
1962 Joseph Hamilton & Bertram Low-Beer Glenn T. Seaborg, Ph.D.
1963 Enrico Fermi, Ph.D. Emilio Segre, Ph.D.
1964 Lord Rutherford of Nelson Norman Hilberry, Ph.D.
1965 Geoacchino Failla, Ph.D. Edith H. Quimby, Ph.D.
1966 Otto Hahn, Ph.D. Kasimir, Fajans, Ph.D.
1967 Gilbert N. Lewis, Ph.D. Willard F. Libby, Ph.D.
1968 Pioneers of the 1930’s Gordon Lee Brownell, Ph.D.
1969 Herrman Blumgart, M.D. Marshall Brucer, M.D.
1970 John J. Lawrence, M.D. Joseph F. Ross, M.D.
1971 Glenn T. Seaborg, Ph.D. Charles Dunham, M.D.
1972 Frederick & Irene Joiliot Curie Francis Perrin, Ph.D.
1973 Lise Meitner, Ph.D. Otto Frisch, Ph.D.
1974 Hal O. Anger William G. Myers, M.D., Ph.D.
1975 George V. Taplin, M.D. Henry N. Wagner, Jr., M.D.
1976 David E. Kuhl, M.D. Frederick J. Bonte, M.D.
1977 Those who took part in the “Chicago Pile” experience (1942) Harold M. Agnew
1978 Benedict Cassen, Ph.D. Joseph F. Ross, M.D.
1979 Georg Charles de Hevesy, Ph.D. William G. Myers, M.D., Ph.D.
1980 Merrill Bender, M.D. and Monte Blau, Ph.D. C. Craig Harris, M.S.
1981 William G. Myers, Ph.D., M.D. Henry N. Wagner, Jr., M.D.
1982 William H. Beierwaltes, M.D. Thomas P. Haynie, III, M.D.
1984 Henry N. Wagner, Jr., M.D. S. James Adelstein, M.D., Ph.D.
1985 Michel M. Ter-Pergossian, Ph.D. Ronald G. Evens, M.D.
1986 Solomon A. Berson, M.D. and William G. Myers, M.D., Ph.D. Rosallyn S. Yalow, Ph.D.
1987 Eugene L. Saenger, M.D. Henry N. Wellman, M.D.
1988 Louis Sokoloff, M.D., and Seymour S. Kety, M.D. David E. Kuhl, M.D.
1989 John G. McAfee, M.D. Gopal Subramanian, Ph.D.
1990 Niels A. Lassen, M.D. Andrew E. Todd-Pokropek, Ph.D.
1991 Alfred P. Wolf, Ph.D. Joanna S. Fowler, Ph.D.
1992 Michael J. Welch, Ph.D. William C. Eckelman, Ph.D.
1993 C. Craig Harris, M.S. R. Edward Coleman, M.D.
1994 Paul Harper, M.D. Alexander Gottschalk, M.D.

Frederick J. Bonte, M.D., Paul V. Harper, M.D.,
Tyra T. Hutchens, M.D., Ralph M. Kniseley, M.D.,
David E. Kuhl, M.D., Richard E. Peterson, M.D.,
Joseph F. Ross, M.D., W. Newlon Tauxe, M.D.
Henry N. Wagner, M.D., Merril Bender, M.D.*,
Richard King, M.D.*, Joseph Kriss, M.D.*

* Deceased

James W. Fletcher, M.D.
1996 Thomas F. Budinger, M.D., Ph.D. Tom R. Miller, M.D., Ph.D.
1997 William C. Eckelman, Ph.D. Michael J. Welch, M.D.
1998 Nagara Tamaki, M.D. and Heinrich R. Schelbert, M.D., Ph.D. H. William Strauss, M.D.
1999 S. James Adelstein, M.D., Ph.D. Barbara J. MacNeil, M.D., Ph.D.
2000 Mathew L. Thakur, Ph.D. Carol S. Marcus, M.D., Ph.D.
2001 Gerd Muehllehner, Ph.D. Joel S. Karp, Ph.D.
2002 H. William Strauss, M.D. Heinrich R. Schelbert, M.D., Ph.D.
2003 Barry A. Siegel, M.D. Michael J. Welch, Ph.D.
2004 Abass Alavi, M.D. Gerald L. Denardo, M.D.
2005 Steven M. Larson, M.D. Mathew L. Thakur, Ph.D.
2006 Walter Wolf, Ph.D. Aaron B. Brill, M.D., Ph.D.
2007 R. Edward Coleman, MD Timothy Turkington, Ph.D.
2008 Peter J. Ell, MD, Ph.D. Ignasi Carrio, MD

Alun G. Jones, Ph.D., Michael J. Abrams, Ph.D. and
Alan Davison, PhD

James S. Adelstein, MD, PhD
2010 Bengt R. Langstrom, PhD David M. Goldenberg, ScD, MD
2011 Sanjiv Sam Gambhir, PhD Michael Phelps, PhD 2012
2012 Daniel S. Berman, MD Jack Ziffer, MD, PhD
2013 S. Ted Treves, MD S. James Adelstein
2014 N. David Charkes, MD Leon S. Malmud, MD
2015 Michael E. Phelps, MD Johannes Czernin, MD
2016 Ross McDougall, MB, ChB, PhD George M. Segall, MD
2017 Joanna S. Fowler, PhD Nora D. Volkow, MD
2018 Richard H. Wahl, MD Barry A. Siegel, MD
2019 Marcelo F. Di Carli, MD Ernest Garcia, MD
2020 Stephen L. Bacharach, PhD Richard Carson, PhD
2021 Thomas J. Ruth, PhD Joanna S. Fowler, PhD
2022 Markus Schwaiger, MD
2023 Nizar A. Mullani, BS
2024 Carolyn Anderson, PhD, FSNMMI